CRS SHARE webinar “Propeller Optimization”, JUNE 8, 13:30-15:30

CRS SHARE webinar “Propeller Optimization”, JUNE 8, 13:30-15:30

The Propagate II working group focusses on the application of multi-fidelity propeller optimization using RANS and BEM methods. The framework, goals and constraints developed in Propagate I are applied to actual design cases from industry.

This free CRS SHARE webinar will focus on the BEM method as applied to day-to-day design and that has been extensively used to design the new Wageningen F-series propellers. With Tomi Veikonheimo, ABB, Olof Klerebrant Klasson, Berg Propulsion, Evert-Jan Foeth, MARIN (Maritime Research Institute Netherlands) and Stefano Gaggero, University of Genoa.


Industrial Example or PropArt Optimization Framework
Tomi Veikonheimo, ABB and Olof Klerebrant Klasson, Berg Propulsion

MARIN F-Series Development
Evert-Jan Foeth, MARIN

Optimization of Marine Propulsors: a Design Paradigm
Stefano Gaggero, University of Genoa

Register here.

CRS SHARE webinar Propeller Optimization